Of Ideas, New Beginnings and Feedback.

It’s a new year. Thank goodness!
Career-wise, it was rocky. Do I wind down a previously successful, and profitable, career continuing to suffer the health costs – both physical and mental? Or do I boldly step onto the bottom of the escalator and begin all over again – in a much more rewarding but unpredictable career?

After twenty-eight years working for others, looking after others and stifling my creative muse,  I made a decision: 2015 was the time to focus on my health, my family and my muse. I turned my back on my old career and endeavour to reduce the anxiety it spawned and rebuild lost income, so I can continue writing.

2015 was not a total downer. It also produced amazing highs. I published my first book, had my first book launch, first radio interview and feedback from readers. The best! Thank you.

2016 lies before me. Fresh. New. Promising. Devoid of stuff ups. Here begins Year 3 of my 5 year plan.

In September I listed the planned stategy:

  • Do talks on steampunk, my book(s)  (Thanks to Critical Mass, I have one talk down.)
  • Make more videos for YouTube, including new book trailers for Eye of the Beholder: The Adventures of Viola Stewart Journal #2 and DOC. (A new video of a recent steampunk event is now online)
  • Write and publish the next journal in Viola Stewart’s adventures. (in progress)
  • start (and perhaps finish?) a second Department of Curiosities book (only a few chapters left on the first draft.)

Since then I have done a lot of re-evaluation and the updated the list.
Year 3‘s purpose is to try new things – some of which will be out of my comfort zone.

  1. increase my output – finish the two books in progress,  and start on the next in each series.
  2. new publishing and distribution avenues – I am looking at local (Australian) avenues for publishing and distribution, to cater for Australian readers. I want to keep the cost of books down for readers – against the fluctuating dollar and onset of GST payments for books ordered overseas, via Amazon. This may include approaching bookshops open to indie books.
  3. get noticed – get my works seen by more readers. This requires ongoing study to improve my writing skills, publishing more books (see #1) and will require marketing stategies, including direct sales and convention sales.
  4. increase earning potential (practical economics) – publish more books and open up new ways to kickstart potential writing-related earnings. I’m currently looking into my options for talks (maybe at conventions or libraries).
    This leads to the most important item on the list:
  5. connect with more readers – I’ve added another event video – Time Travellers’ Picnic – to my YouTube channel. I already have a Livestream channel and am intrigued by Patreon.  A few artist friends have registered on Patreon and have recommended it.

And here is where you, dear Reader, come in.  Would you be interested in following me on Livestream? Should I register for Patreon? What would you like to see?
Your feedback will be very helpful in the directions I may follow this year to connect with my readers and tackle economic factors associated with writing.

Here are my very first polls.

1. Livestream

Would you watch a Livestream video and what would you like to see?
I would like to see chapter/short story readings
I would like to discuss characters and background
I would like to see steampunk stuff
Please Specify:

Quiz Maker


2. Patreon 

Would you be interested in being a Patreon and what sort of rewards would you like to see?
I would like to see short stories
I would like to see annotated notes on writing (in pdf)
I would like to see blogs on research and background
I would like to see story-related artwork or photography
Please Specify:

Poll Maker


Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. .


Of Ideas, New Beginnings and Feedback. was originally published on karen j carlisle

About karen j carlisle

writer artist gardener chocoholic tea lover
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