Life is Like a Collection of Mugs.

Life is like a collection of mugs – eclectic, surprising, sometimes baffling but always full of memories. This was re-enforced last week; we had to evacuate the entire contents of the corner cupboard so the plumber could fix a leaking pipe.

Oh dear, so many mugs! (Outnumbering the glasses, after years of natural attrition.) I discovered mugs I had forgotten about, some having hidden in the depths for over twenty years.

mugs half of cupboard


There was the Hongcon mug – printed to celebrate a fan SF con run by friends, right here in Adelaide, in 1992. The GOH (Guest of Honour) was Neil Gaiman who taught us there is more than one shade of black.

There were two commemorative mugs, listing all the children at our daughter’s kindergarten, several promtional mugs from the various places I have worked as an optometrist. (One of which is perfect for making a chocolate ‘mug’ cake – so it was a keeper.)

Then came the novelty mugs: Aggro, Keep Calm and Have a Cupcake, an Eeyore mug and a ceramic beer stein. Fannish mugs include: Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Despicable Me, Adventure Time, Big Bang Theory, more Doctor Who (about four in all) and a TARDIS mug (one of my favourites).

tea DW

tea 25I can choose a different mug to suit any given mood. There are Christmas mugs,  mugs that came with Easter eggs, some sporting a moustache, some found at garage sales or given as gifts. Some are favourites. Some are faded and ratty but soldier on.

I realised how many memories these cheap (and no so cheap) drinking vessels contain – memories of a dear friend lost many years ago, times spent gaming til dawn and significant life events. Some mugs are inspirational or are just so darned cute.

Each little crack in the ceramic adds character. The faded decals bear witness to years of use. Those with broken handles have been re-purposed as mini-plant pots for my succulents – because I can’t bear to part with them.

Why don’t you take a minute to open your kitchen cupboards, reach into the very back of the cupboard and check out your own collection. Rekindle some lost memories.

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Life is Like a Collection of Mugs. was originally published on karen j carlisle / off the artboard

About karen j carlisle

writer artist gardener chocoholic tea lover
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